Rita Boese - Spinal Decompression
For most people, when they are experiencing unexplainable back pain, back pains from a job they’ve done, or pain from carrying extra weight, they don’t want to go straight to having back surgery. Luckily, SD is here and eliminates most patients' pains.
"I suffered with low back pain for over two years and it had gotten to the point where I could hardly stand up from a sitting position without experiencing pain. Physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory medicine gave me temporary relief. I was then introduced to In Touch Wellness Center. After four months of intensive treatment with spinal decompression I am pain free. I haven’t taken any medication for pain since I began treatment and I can now stand and walk taller. Thank you to Dr. Diana and Dr. Pisano, to their staff for their care, expert knowledge, and to spinal decompression. I now have my life back and I tell everyone I know about them."

Bryan Youngkin - Spinal Decompression
"I suffered from chronic low back pain for a number of years. Dr. Pisano took x-rays and told me I had a significant curve in my lumbar spine and that spinal decompression could help reduce that curvature and eliminate my low back pain. Dr. Diana confirmed that opinion and I immediately was started on SD therapy. Within two weeks my pain had significantly decreased and I was walking upright for the first time in years. My wife noticed how I was moving around the house and out in public, pain free. The SD therapy is totally painless and very relaxing." "Since starting decompression in May of 2007, I have been able to return to the gym, ride my bike, and am again active. I had new x-rays taken of my spine in September, 2007 and the curve has drastically decreased (taking pressure off the discs) and my pain is almost totally gone." "I can not say enough good things about Dr. Pisano and Dr. Diana and the entire staff at In Touch. They are professional, but also treat you as a person and are very interested in what you have to tell them and about how you feel. They actually listen, unlike a majority of medical professionals nowadays. All I can say is that without their help I would still be in pain and not living life like I want to. If you are having back pain, whether it be your neck, mid back, or lower spine, I highly recommend you visit In Touch Wellness Center and see what they can do for you."

Bryan Matuskey - Chiropractic Therapy
"I know I joke a lot, but this statement is sincerely but a fraction of how much impact all of you at In Touch Wellness Center have had on my life. I truly hope that in the times of your lives where purpose seems to lack, you think of me and all the other patients you have changed and know that your purpose is so very precious and infinitely appreciated." Bryan Mutuskey vs. the herniated disc: "So was only 18 years old and my Grandma had more energy and life than I did. I woke up everyday in horrible pain, and the heaviest weight of depression one can bear sat comfortably within me. I had seen hundreds of doctors, and been on all kinds of prescription drugs and the only light I saw at the end of the tunnel sounds a lot like a train. Three years later a new neighbor moved in next door to me and noticed that I looked awful all the time. She asked me why I looked the way I did, and I said that I did not really know for sure. It turns out she was a massage therapist and after asking me a series of health related questions she strongly felt that my condition could be improved though therapy. I was very skeptical at first, but felt I had tried everything else and I had nothing to lose." "Emotion is starting to fill me as I’m taken back to this time of my life, but after an MRI showed a bulging disc in my neck, I was put on spinal decompression therapy. When I got off that table for the first time, I was in shock - and happy. I walked out of that office with a sense of hope I will never forget. The pain did return shortly, but I was on a four-times-a-week plan because my condition was so severe. And after a few weeks I could go whole days with little or no pain. Six months have passed now and I am alive - I am living - I am hiking 6 days a week - I’m smiling every day - I am feeling great and grateful for the passion Dr. Pisano and Dr. Diana dedicate their lives to. There is a supernatural sense of splendor one feels when truly being in their body, and I hope that my testimony pushes your decision in favor of therapy, and I hope that it changes your life they way it did mine."

Greg Maige - Chiropractor's Touch
"I am writing this as a testimony to the great care and treatment I received from the staff at In Touch Wellness Center. I first went to see them due to acute back pain and could hardly walk. I have had back problems on and off all my life and have been to numerous doctors. I was referred to In Touch by another chiropractor so I could reap the benefits of their SD table in combination with exercise and back manipulation. My back pain improved rapidly and I continued to be pain free although I did experience a few minor setbacks when I got lazy and did not exercise." "During the treatment time, Dr. Pisano addressed another back problem that I had. I was sure nothing could ever reverse the effects of nearly a lifetime of bad posture. I am 6’4″ and would slouch to minimize my height while growing up. I said that would be great but didn’t really believe he could. I was so wrong! My posture is normal and my back hump is gone. Some friends that I haven’t seen in many years came to visit recently and one asked if I had grown and the other said he noticed right away that my posture was so much better!" "I regret to say that we have moved to Missouri and I miss the great care we had from the doctors and staff at In Touch Wellness Center. I would recommend them to anyone! Doctors Angelo and Carla are truly concerned about all of their patients and helping them achieve a healthy lifestyle.""

Chris McKee - Spinal Decompression
"When I first came to In Touch Wellness Center I had lower back pain on and off for about 10 years. I was starting to lower my activity and my abilities were becoming limited. I was able to continue working, but was not able to do much of anything else. I would have weeks of low level pain, but many weeks where the lower back pain was unbearable. I had tried ice packs, heating pads, massage, stretching, but nothing seemed to work. I knew I needed to do something to change my life. I went to the Mayo Clinic for steroid injections into the disc, but I didn’t get any relief. I actually developed leg pain after the injection that I did not previously have." "I met Dr. Carla by chance at a hockey game and told her about the pain I was experiencing. I was not very hopeful that she could help me, but I started treatment the next week. I finally experienced relief within only a few visits. I underwent a year of treatment therapy and my life has changed." "I returned back to the high quality of life I used to endure and a life of activity that I can enjoy. After achieving such successful results, I ended up working for the office of In Touch Wellness Center before returning home to my family in Michigan. I really enjoyed my time there and being able to share my knowledge of this wonderful therapy with other people. I am still pain free and living life to the fullest! Thank you Dr Carla and Dr Angelo, I will continue to spread the good word back home!""

Janice Miller - Spinal Decompression
"Angelo and Carla, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation as a testimonial of your professional services. Permit me to give a brief synopsis of my history that led me to your facility and services." "I’m a registered nurse of 30+ years and I injured my back about three years ago lifting a large patient. After much physical therapy, cortisone injections and ultimately neurosurgery I was forced to reduce my work schedule to very light duty and finally retired in 2006. I felt as if I had exhausted my avenues of opportunities through conventional medicine until one of the physicians I work with suggested I try spinal decompression. I researched this option and was pleased to hear other testimonials of success so I looked you up and scheduled an appointment to discuss this for me. I had already even tried chiropractic for an extended period where only temporary relief was realized." "I came to In Touch Wellness Center for an evaluation with X-rays and began the process shortly thereafter. I cannot begin to tell you the relief I felt knowing that spinal decompression was setting me on the road to recovery and within a couple months I was virtually pain-free. My activity level has returned to normal and I have now done things that I haven’t for years. I have found you two to be the answer to my problem as I have progressed back into health. I cannot begin to thank you for all you have done for me. I recommend this procedure for anyone suffering as I was. This has been nothing short of a miracle in my life. Thank you so very much for all you do.""